The VOC (Voice Of the Customer) program is based purely on consumer perception and is a direct line of communication with your consumers, giving the opportunity to have a direct dialogue with your consumers.

The Mystery Shop program is done by Frontline selected, trained and certified agents; during the visits the agents observe patterns and specific behaviors that are part of the culture of our customers. We evaluate, we record and analyze information from all points of contact during the experience of your customers.

insight-02The Action Plan is created by your operations team, based on Mystery Shop reviews and the direct dialogue the VOC program provides, increasing consumer retention and loyalty of your customers.

The combination of both programs allow you to have the information at your fingertips with the option to respond immediately to what matters:

  • – Positive customer feedback, and
  • – Your brand and service standards at the point of sale.

Frontline provides a secure web environment in real time, comparing the results of both programs.

Would you like to implement these programs to increase your sales? Contact us for your free no obligation estimate.